Share office space available in our Studio

We now have the opportunity to sublet two to three open plan desks on a permanent and/or temporary basis, so we can offer workspace for a sole trader looking for a new permanent home, or someone just wanting a quiet professional office space with a/c and wifi whilst in Noosa on holidays. Ideally we are looking for other compatable Professionals to share with an Architect, Landscape Architect and Onlinedeveloper.

We have an excellent location in the middle of Sunshine Beach village in a loft type airy and light filled studio, spoilt for choice of cafe's and restaurants just a minute's walk from the beach and close proximity to other creative, design, health and fitness and property professionals and plenty of off street parking is available.

We are happy to host casual workspace use, the following features included in the rental are; shared meeting room, internet, power, aircon and great kitchen and bathroom facilities. Cleaning and ancilllary costs equally split.

If you're tired of wearing your pajamas all day at work, no Christmas party, no Melbourne Cup lunch mates and having the kids in your hair during the holidays this is the place. To become part of this happy space please enquire for details, click on our websites and drop us a line or call by and take a look. Be quick as these spaces won't last long and the best spots will go first.

Contact Trish 0411 221 461

or Andrew 0412 116 686

duke Street Sunshine Beach Andrew Bock Architecture